What we do

Our Functions

We implement / institutionalize appropriate structures and systems to facilitate efficient, effective and economic delivery of Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management in the Civil Service.

Develops analysis of various options/ scenarios available in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management to provide best practices available for Government to appropriate increased value.

Ensures the development of annual procurement plans from the various institutions to be aggregated to form one major plan for the Civil Service institutions to enable collaboration.

Ensures the implementation of Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management in accordance with the Public Procurement Act 2003 (Act 663).

Makes proposals for the formulation of policies on Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management to the Public Procurement Authority.

Assesses the operations of the Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management processes in the Civil Service and submit proposals for improvement.

Our Mandates

Develops, promotes and supports training and professional development of persons engaged in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management in the Civil Service and ensure adherence by trained persons to ethical standards.

Provides advice on all non-open methods of Procurement required to be implemented by the Civil Service institutions.

Acts as the focal class on the performance of Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management in the Civil Service.

Compiles and manages a league table for all Procurement and Supply Chain activities in Civil Service institutions.

Develops and maintains vendors register of all categories of Public Procurement and Supply Chain services of the Civil Service.

Assesses the operations of the Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management processes in the Civil Service and submit proposals for improvement.